Start Ups and Scale Ups

As a new brand, Startups and Scaleups face a number of strategic challenges to growth:

  1. Market Tension and Purpose: What is the core tension in the market you are here to address? Why do you exist?
  2. Naming: What should you be called? A powerful name for your brand and products can result in up to 60% more initial sales
  3. Awareness: Building awareness from scratch in a cost-effective manner
  4. Bulls-Eye Revenue Target: Understanding which segments will give you revenue fastest to demonstrate proof of concept and allow you to progress to your next funding round
  5. Design: Imagery and iconography of your logo and visual identity need to borrow from other parts of culture to inject meaning into your brand
  6. Founder’s Story: Your mythology and founders’ story needs to be clear

HOB has worked alongside the VC/investment community to develop a suite of brand strategy services for Startups and Scale ups designed to provide a clear go-to-market strategy for growth.